Friday, November 6, 2009

The Future of Teachers

With the invention of the movie projector, Thomas Edison predicted teachers would be obselete. It doesn't happen very often, but even the great of inventors was proved wrong. On the contrary, I don't think Edison quite understood the evolution educational technology would under go. Reliance on the chalkboard has dramatically decreased since teachers now use the electronic Smart Board. These Smart Boards are not only helpful because they allow teachers to transfer notes from the Smart Board directly to a computer, but it also allows teachers to use audio and video resources. The key is the evolution of educational technology enables teachers to enhance their teaching strategies.

I firmly believe that my role as a teacher will not change regardless of the the changes in technology. Even history strongly backs this statement. Teachers provide much more than the transference of their knowledge. They play a prominent role in the way students apply this knowledge. Educational technology is simply a means to transfer this information. For example, teachers would use the chalkboard to write vocabulary words on the board along their defintions. With the evolution of technology, teachers can now use computer software that include music programs to create songs that will help students easily remember vocabulary words.

One characteristic that technology can not provide is affection. I would like to believe that it takes a compassionate person to become a teacher; at least the ones that are in for making a difference in the world and not for the paycheck. Teachers are essentially the building blocks for the future of this world. This provide students with the encouragement and motivation to do their personal best even when times may get rough. Can an electronic Smart Board do that? I realize that distance learning is becoming more preferred over physical learning environments, but it is a teacher that affects eternity. He or she never knows where their influence will stop. I am comfortable that I will not be replaced by a robot such as those in the movie I, Robot. Human beings crave for the positivity that comes from human interaction. I hate to prove Thomas Edison wrong yet again, but teachers will be forever be an integral part of education.

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